Sunday, May 20, 2018

Junior Camps Postponed at Woodholme

Woodholme Junior Golf Camp Postponed
May 20, 2018

Dear Woodholme Members/Parents

Due to the forecasted weather for the opening weekend of Junior Golf Camps, we have decided to postpone the first week of camp. We will be extending the camp another weekend. The camp will now continue through June 23rd and June 24th. We do have fantastic indoor facilities at Woodholme, but they may not serve the best purpose for holding a junior camp.

Ideally, we will be able to add some participants to the camp by having the first weekend start on May 26th over the Memorial Day Weekend Festivities. If you have any further questions or concerns about our Junior Golf Camps or any programs, please contact me directly. Thank you for your understanding.

With Best Regards,
Michael Anthony Wade
Head Golf Professional
Woodholme Country Club

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